Wind in the Morning

It is hard to believe this but we have Autumn weather outside. It is blowing a Northerly and 12 C. Seems hardly worth lying in the sun…nearly…almost…perhaps?
We set off early this morning down my favourite track and as it was blowing The Boss decided to do a set piece while murmering “stay” and touching the treat bag attached to his belt. Hmmmmm…well that worked and I did while he got down and dirty (old jeans) with this image. By the time that was done the sky behind was starting to look evil but we walked on until it started to rain a bit and by the time The Boss had got his waterproof jacket and the AW (All Wether) cover on his camera bag, all was lost and the sheep had the last Baa.
We were then faced with the WD syndrome. That one is a biggie and I got downgraded to cattle class in Suzz when we finally got bark.
Oh …Forgot…WD Wet Dog..Ummmmm?
So I got dropped off at home and HE went to Coffee and stuff were it was “Book Morning” and the ladies were showing off their latest publication efforts and I couldn’t even lie in the sun…’Cos there wasn’t any.
In the tru tradition of Wanaka Sheep (wether) however all was well after lunch (his) so I caught up with the afore mentioned activity and The Boss installed his new Apple keyboard.
‘How is it?” I sniffed
“Just Peachy” he replied.
Oh that’s a shame I thought. Another fruitless endeavour?
OK OK OK …I just can’t help myself sometimes.
More wind?

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