Occasionally Focused

By tsuken


So, as I mentioned yesterday, I tried coffee and later sleepy-time last night,in hopes of a more-normal wakey-time this morning. I will never know if that would have been successful, because my son woke us with a nightmare at 1/4 to four. (Apparently I had taken his sister to the dump and left her there.)


So today (which of course was a day when every patient turned up, almost none could be seen quickly, and I was fielding phone calls all day about urgent situations in one of the other health centres), I was a bit of a write-off. Hence this, a safety taken out the window of the car while heading to Lithgow (I was a passenger, thankfully). Simply twisted focus to infinity and snapped. I've just realised that I didn't think to check and adjust the aperture, so it would have been at f/3.5 from last night.


Click to enKanimblate.

Industar 50-2 on Pentax K-30 at f/3.5.

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