
By Igor

DDW Challenge; at the movies. All about Eve

This is the first bud to open of a newly planted rose, Wild eve. It’s a modern ‘old’ rose, if that makes sense. (The buds certainly make scents. Lots of it).

These buds will eventually form a quartered shape, reminiscent of the old Gallica roses.

Wild eve is often grown for ground cover because its arching branches can easily spread and smother anything in its path. We have it growing in a container, where careful pruning will hopefully keep this ambitious plant under control.

No amount of pruning can keep the ruthless ambition of Eve Harrington under control. In All about Eve (1950), a seemingly innocent theatre fan, Eve insinuates herself into the life of Margo Channing, a major Broadway star (played by Bette Davis). Through a mix of deception and blackmail, she gradually takes over Margo's career and becomes a star of both Broadway and Hollywood.

There is some sort of poetic justice, because at the end of the film we discover that the very same thing is about to happen to Eve, when she returns home from an award ceremony to find a young fan waiting in her flat.

All about Eve received 14 Oscar nominations, winning six, including best picture.

As far as I’m aware, Wild eve has yet to win any awards, although we think it pretty snazzy.

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