Happy Valley

By HappyValley

Dinner time

This is the grub My Love has prepped for tonight as Miss Emmy is coming for dinner...and wine. PW has been a very good housewife lately - But on a serious note, I still feel truly blessed to be by his side.

Today's early shift was pretty up there on the scale of crapness...thank crunchie it is over and I have a day off tomorrow. After work I had arranged to meet some local Polar Bears...not the fury kind but the people who go sea swimming regularly. We waded in from the slip just down the road. Not as cold as i was expecting and a definite winner for snapping out of the crapness of work.

Swam through all sorts of seaweeds and a huge swarm of jellyfish...which looked spectacular! I was told the name of them...but can't remember now. They were very colourful.

Now back home and toasty warm...which was mostly achieved by fighting my way out of my wetsuit!

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