today. It was fun! And not really cold.
After lunch I cycled to the Heempark, the light was much better than it had be in the morning at the beach. I mean for taking pictures.
Almost immediately I came upon the pair of sweet six spot burnets, eating together but from a different clover flower.

I had been very happy with my little adventure with the dragonfly yesterday and still am more so now it showed that so many of my blipfriends liked the sight of her and did send me marvellous words, stars and hearts. Thank you, thank you very much with all my heart.

My haiku:

The pair so undisturbed
By me and my big eyes did
Made me envious

And the proverb:

Hij/Zij treedt binnen als de zonneschijn.

Translation: He/She enters as the Sunshine.

Meaning: Enters without being called and without speaking.

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