Taking up the gauntlet thrown down by Lazooligirl today.

Left to right:
1. 1966 : Sulky 15-year-old. Still friends with that boyfriend and the next one.
2. 1978 : 27 and just turned down university place due to impossibility of getting funding. About to meet love of my life by way of compensation.
3. 1988 : Married to l.o.m.l. Living the Thatcherite dream i.e. drowning in debt; interest on huge mortgage 13 percent and rising; negative equity which would last for another ten years; husband just managing to stay one job ahead of redundancy. Do I look worried? Thank god we couldn't see into the future. Still got those earrings.
4. 2001 : Granny! Kids flown. Mother-in-law gone. House for sale. First holiday abroad together for 11 years.
5. 2011 : Widow. Finally managed to pay the fees and get that degree. Seem to be fading away. Aren't passport photos crap poor these days?

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