Still Here!

By Yorkhull

A safe step?

I admit this is not the greatest ever blip. But it does tell a story so please bear with me. In 2012 after I had my diagnosis for cancer and after I had recovered from a UTI which hospitalised me and where I was very ill. (hence I get paranoid when an infection occurs) I decided to celebrate my 60th, admittedly belatedly, and to let all my friends know what was happening to me I decided to have a BBQ in my garden. Of course because my friends were hearing about my cancer for the first time 99% turned up! It was a lovely day and the garden was full.

For some years I had known that the aforementioned step had been loose and you had to carefully step on it in the middle to avoid a wobble. Also typically I had done nothing about it. Anyway the party was in full swing when I came inside to fill my plate with salads to go with the meat and fish. Forgetting for a moment the step, I stood on it to one side. It crumbled quickly and I found myself on my back with the bar of the patio door whacking the middle of my back. My food went up in the air and there was concern. I jumped up and tried to dismiss it. I said something like 'well no one was talking to me so I had to get your attention somehow! This relaxed people and the party carried on. Though I was sore for a week or more there was no lasting damage. The step you now see is fully repaired!

So I was stuck for a blip and I was in the garden thinking of my third annual BBQ in a few weeks time, its nice to be able to say that, and I thought it would make a good story.

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