Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

A White Flower

I was standing looking out the kitchen window at breakfast when i noticed this plant on the windowsill. Rather than leave things until it is too late I quickly grabbed the camera, mounted the macro lens and shot off a quick focus stack.

I feel bad that I am giving so little time to Blip at the moment. I know many people have similar pressures and don't wish to evoke any sympathy. Rather it is by way of an excuse that I am 'going through the motions' at the moment. It is still very important to me that I continue to post an image each day, but I am struggling to dedicate too much time. At the moment I am even rolling over in bed and ignoring even the hint of a good sunrise.

Things are likely to remain very busy and stressful for some time until I have sorted everything out.

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