Quality Time

A busy day as term nears an end...

Eldest son still in France.

Took middle son to school today and sat in on an Advanced Higher Spanish class - fab!

Quick dash East to get to the school for Niamh's class's session with the retiring head teacher who was holding a ceilidh all morning - great fun and a wee bit emotional.

Quick Mr Ben-like change and off to the cat shelter to vaccinate some new cats.

Middle son finishes school today so he got off the bus at the neighbouring village and walked down to the cat shelter and helped me in my veterinary duties.

Our hard work was rewarded by lunch at the cafe beside the Loch which necessitated a post-prandial walk.

I love these wee windows of one-to-one with the kids.

Always great chat and an immense feeling of pride.

An evening of Loom-band-gate crisis, guinea pig treatment and poo on the feet ensued...

A long night ahead as I do my usual annual nonsense of making a DVD even though the software is driving me nuts and I've forgotten how to do things...

Should I raid the teacher's wine bags???

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