Color Tweaking

Ever notice that some of the color has left your life? That some of the vibrancy has faded? That the excitement is diminishing?

It's amazing how over time we can become unaware of the beauty and grace that surrounds us. The repetition of daily life can bring the best of us to a mundane existence.

I don't believe that the brilliance of creation was ever intended to be a backdrop. I imagine it being intended to continually inspire us.

That being said, it comes down to whether we're in a place and/or condition that allows us to fully digest the unequaled splendor.

Breathing God's word is my answer. Waking each day with a focusing moment helps me to have a clearer view of what's been set forth before me.

What about you? What do you do when things start looking drab, when life loses it's contrast, when the color needs to be tweaked?

Pray on...

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