
By RadioGirl


... so they say
Is the root of all evil today.
But if you ask for a rise it's no surprise that they're giving none away.

"Rank-and-file staff at the BBC have faced five years of below-inflation pay settlements which have eroded their salaries by 10%. The scandal of executive pay over the last 12 months shows staff that money can always be found to pay astronomical salaries to senior managers but no money for the programme makers and support staff. Staff are angry and do not deserve to be last on the priority list. The BBC is fixated on staff pay being linked to public sector pay restraint. This does not extend to executive pay as can be seen by the scandal of senior managers and their exorbitant pay" - Gerry Morrissey, General Secretary of the Broadcasting Entertainment Cinematograph and Theatre Union.

This 10% cut in real terms in the non-managerial staff's pay over the past five years is set against a backdrop of continuing cutbacks and savings measures year on year, meaning job losses and those people who remain having to work harder and harder to keep producing the same level of output. BECTU and the other Unions representing BBC staff have started a ballot today of all their members at the BBC.

It's going to be a long and busy summer for those of us who are Union Reps.

I took the photo on a wander around the back-streets behind Broadcasting House this afternoon, before the weather broke and the rain came.

Here's the official music video of Pink Floyd's "Money"

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