
Decided (at last) to take advantage of the sunshine and go to the beach - we chose Weston-super-Mare as it's the closest in journey time to Sutton, and with a one-month-old (today!) baby, journey time is of the essence.

Had a sunny picnic at a service station on the way, and then the sun disappeared and it rained more-or-less non-stop. Weston did nothing to dispel my kids' lack of enthusiasm for English beaches (NE Brazilian beaches are pretty stunning, with a WARM sea) - it was totally dismal, and signs everywhere warning of danger - in the mud, in the water, on the cliffs, at the edge of the pebbles, with a rip tide about to get you if you weren't careful...

Decided on spur of the moment to call in on an old Uni friend - stayed for dinner - a special evening. Their little lad was smitten with Zion.

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