
By scribbler


Unknown flowers. (SOOC with flash, cropped.)

These flowers appeared charming and mysterious when I saw them at New Seasons, but by the light of iPhone flash their strangeness grows more malevolent. This image reminds me of The Little Shop of Horrors.

These 'flowers' are actually composites composed of many tiny florets. They are solid and flat with a ruffled edge like that of a clamshell. Their color is brilliant magenta with brilliant orange.

That's all I know. Enlighten me if you can.

Meanwhile, my blips grow ever more desperate. "Emergency," to use the blip word.



I have been rewriting and re-rewriting the first fifty pages of my novel, over and over until I want to scream because every time I read it I find new things to correct! Not just typos, but problems that require hard thinking. But tonight I've printed it out and tomorrow I will turn it over to its first reader.

50 down, 450 to go.

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