Peanut addict

The jay is back.
And I think there is more than one of them.

This one has fluffy feathers under that beautiful blue and I suspect he (or she) isn't fully mature.

They all like peanuts - Waitrose ones best but they are OK with the ones from Bodnett's Farm Shop. They land on the bird table and take a couple, storing them in their feet. Then they drop down onto the garden table and take their time.

Jays are very nervous and when I was poised, taking pics of the slightly older one who came next, I knocked into the handle of one of the kitchen units - not a huge noise - but enough for the visitor to vanish.

Yesterday there were tail feathers on the grass - a near miss of some kind I suspect. I hope it wasn't one of my jay visitors. The fat pigeons could miss a few bits.

Sparkie is innocent. She never goes out. But I bet she knows what happened..... and she isn't telling......

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