Capital adventures

By marchmont


I woke really early again so back tom the World service and the shipping bulletin before the 'Today' programme. But a day off so I had to keep reminding myself it was still Friday.

#2 son came home with good news - new job in deepest East Lothian. however, he wasn't over the moon, just tired.

I went to Straiton and shopped - more plants. then Sainsbury's for food for tomorrow's lunch which is very weather dependent.

I've spent the afternoon in the garden I discovered the lawnmower wan't set right - hence the poor cut but after fixing it I took loads of grass off and it looks so much better now.

I plants on the stairway - perlagonium and black eyed Susan. The back needs a real going over, digging out and shifting but that will have to wait for autumn. It was cold som another evening when I can't sit out.

Glastonbury is in the tv. I wonder if I'll spot LeeAnne?

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