Jog.......jog like a slight breeze.....

My hundreth blip yesterday was exciting I must say. I liked my image (I don't always, in fact some of the time I'm a little embrassed by a rubbishy picture). I'm very appeciative to everybody who commented on it. Thank you.

Today was kind of busyish. First up, we went with K to Portobello where he was playing football with Duchamp (seemingly retired from blip) There we met up with J's friend S and his mum J as S's dad was playing too. I took a grand total of THREE pictures and this is one of them. I could've gotten some great shots as the light was very good but I find it difficult to take photos constantly if I'm with someone else, it feels a bit rude.

Next up, we went to Leith (where K has some artists's studio spaces) and we did a bit of cleaning and checking.

Then.... I had to take J to a birthday party at Timetwister (an indoor activity centre for kids). It's always a bit on the mental side there. There just always seems to be about 3 times more children than there should be, all squealing, squawking, shouting, crying, running, falling, getting slapped (that did happen to my friends wee girl a "stranger" child), getting too hot, getting over excited to the point of hysteria and most of all having fun.

Then home and a dinner rush.

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