Street Theatre

Thanks so much for all the lovely words for Forrest. He offers up his thanks too. He's just read me some of the feedback on his project work and it seems like it was his style and confidence with his writing that really got him the high marks. On his major piece of work that actually was the only serious criticism, that he was perhaps too confident in his own style! It's possibly the case that when something comes naturally to us we tend to take that skill for granted and don't perhaps realise just how good we are - compared to everyone else. I hope he now starts to take his talent a bit more seriously. If he actually began to apply himself then he could go a long way. Hearing me son? He's only just now come clean to me about how few lectures he attended and how late he left everything!!

A Street Theatre festival has hit Shipley for a few days. I was so busy yesterday that it was more or less packed up by the time I hit Market Square. Crazy busy today too but I did manage to see just a bit of the action, although it started raining soon after I took this shot so photography wasn't that easy - plus it felt ridiculously cold for the end of June. I actually found the audience far more interesting than the performers. Especially the children. Is there anything more enchanting than watching children open themselves to wonder and surprise and laughter? I was enthralled by them.

I think it's worth going large to see all those wonderful young faces. And some of the older ones too!

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