The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Sisters in Alms

A quarter of a point, that's what it took for our team to win the third Lock Keepers' quiz, organised by Yvette, Tamsin and Anne, aka Sisters in Alms. It was a fundraiser for the Cotswold Care hospice, who had looked after Anne's partner Candice.

Unfortunately the Lock Keepers' Cafe bar (which Yvette and Tamsin used to run as a bar, back in the day) had closed down ahead of schedule. It was supposed to close on 30th June. Never mind, the Imperial Hotel gave us a free room at short notice, and we all drank our own weight in alcohol....

I was matched up with a couple I hadn't met before, D and S. We discovered that we are all 50 and we all watch Pointless. Whatever ... it was enough to help us scrape through, narrowly beating the team from the North. Next time, there will be prizes!

This is Yvette, whom I've known since 1997, when I ran a writing group in the Golden Fleece. She and Tamsin have been civil partnered since 2009, and their daughters are now grown up and sophisticated. As usual, it was a delight to see her and Tamsin. I didn't stick around to see whose turn it was to drink until they pass out, because I have to get up tomorrow to go on a WEA trip to Oxford. I feel totally unprepared!

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