New Zealand's native pigeon - kererū

I went feeding out this morning, something I don't do during the week as I'm working at school, so to go out in the weekend is something special.

The sun was out relativity early this morning (well earlier than we are normally use to!), and it was lovely watching the cows following the tractor and feed out wagon into their new paddock of grass. I took lots of photo's, and was ready to load it onto Blip, when I noticed two Kereru (Wood Pigeon's) in the garden trees surrounding the house.

Once again I grabbed my camera, and clicked off several photo's of these magnificent birds. Their colouring is beautiful; I love their red feet, and greenish/redish feathers. Because of their size and weight, you can always hear them flying above you. These two were obviously hungry, as they sat on our Kowhai tree, eating the young leaves.

Have a look here for more information on this wonderful bird.

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