Greeting the sun
Despite not needing, nor intending, to wake early this morning, I was awake before the sunrise. I fully expected the sky to be heavily overcast. Yesterday's storm was still fresh in the memory, although not quite as fresh as for daughter C who was driving across the Harbour Bridge in high winds when there was a massive lightning flash and thunderclap just above her.
Also the forecast for today was pretty dismal. However, I found that the sky was mostly clear, and even the promised high winds were absent. Thought it was worth going out. Whereupon, we were hit by a fierce rain squall. It only lasted about five to ten minutes, and then the sky cleared again. Decided to brave it, as I wanted to pick up a Saturday Herald on my way back.
In the event I had a cold but totally enjoyable run along Erceg's Way, and then back via the dairy for the newspaper. I was able to greet the sun as it firstly gave some light, then some delicate colour to the clouds, which increased in amount and intensity until here the sun was about halfway risen.
Worth a look in large.
A relaxing day of reading, crossword puzzle solving, sudokus and one letter. This evening we are out to have dinner, and then see a movie. I could get to used to weekends like this!
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