Whose your Mummy...?

Sorry blippers, no bliptogether today, was on a beach with a dog and a lovely co-blipper, Barking. Nice lunch, lovely walk, many great pics - as usual, which one to use for blip? The most legendary of all was a previous blip of one of the most 'blipfamous' dogs - Cousteau of course.

So a few choices, but this one came out tops, I bet barking doesn't have too many of her and her best mate. BTW, she looks like a girl (I can confirm that) but throws like a boy, despite thinking she doesn't ;-)

Lovely afternoon guys, lots of love xx

BTW, while I have been somewhat ambivalent about the 7D, in terms of it's not that much of an upgrade from the 40D, today was a good example of how good it is. Fast motor drive, great focussing. This shot doesn't show that, but many others did.

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