I knew there WAS such a song...

I just didn't realise you weren't allowed to sing it after puberty.

I'm a sucker for the odd & unusual.
This year it was taties.
AND while we're on the subject...
Can anybody explain why the known universe insists on calling them "Tatties"
I mean: You wouldn't go into a shop for a stone of "Potattoes", maybe YOU would, but I call them "Potatoes", hence "Taty".

Search for "Tatty" and what comes up top?

adjective informal

worn and shabby; in poor condition.
"Tatty upholstered furniture"

of poor quality.
'The generally tatty output of the current Celtic revival' "

Anyway, grouse over, back to the original statement
Go on, you see if you can find THIS sung by anybody over, say, 12 yrs.

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