Year 2, Day 159 - Armed Forces Day

What a brilliant day at the Armed Forces event in Stirling - so good I couldn't decide which photos to blip, so here are two! GO LARGE!!!

This is my first real attempt at moving targets... The helicopters are Army Sea Kings (although they weren't moving at the time!) dropping Marines into the arena for a mock rescue - we couldn't see any of that because the place was packed!!!! The single plane is an RAF Tycoon and it's the best sot I have of it. It was fast...

Just after the Tycoon display, we got a really heavy downpour so we headed back to the car and went home. The rain stayed on pretty much for the rest of the afternoon so we watched the Battle of Britain display from my front door. There are some trees in the way but the Lancaster flew over the house!

We didn't see the Red Arrows because we were stuffing our faces in Papa Joes!

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