
By Hamey

Oh dear!

The tomato plants have upside down leaf curl. I think that this is due my error in terms of watering according to Mr Google. It seems that I have been watering at the wrong time of day - now before you say anything I have only watered the roots and not the leaves as I know that can cause them to burn. Oh well I will change the watering time to early morning (not a problem thank you Luce) or in the evening.

This afternoon I had a visit from former neighbours and their children which was nice as it was more socialisation for Luce and good to catch up with them. They farm on the Levels and suffered a lot of flooding to their land in the winter but they are ok as are their crops. However they do have the problem that one of their neighbours has TB and so they are restricted/shut down until the tests are completed on their cattle. What else can be thrown at them I wonder?

However they have suggested a BBQ at some time and they will get the clay trap out so I will be able to waste some more cartridges on missing with my lovely little .410 hammer gun. Sounds like a great plan and food as well - what more could one want!

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