
By Mindseye

The white foal, not!

Well I tried again today to photograph the elusive while foal. At least he was there today together with his mother and another brown foal and it's mother. As I approached the field they all come towards the fence anticipating carrots and things! As I'm not very tall I have to get close to the fence and shoot through the gaps. That was a bit too close to their babies so the mares kept blocking my view! Eventually I managed to line up a shot of the little white one, only to be photo-bombed at the last moment by the little brown one! This took the focus off the white one as it was furthest away!!! (you can see the white foal just behind) Hence a zoomed in shot of the brown bomber, but he/she (didn't notice) is very cute. I will try again, but at this rate he won't be a foal by the time I succeed!

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