
By Ogatodomar

Some people hate seagulls...

...with me it's pigeons.

I like gulls - OK vicious bastards, but they're doing their gull thing.

On one trip across the Indian Ocean on the M.S. Orna, an old chugger of a cargo ship, the galley was separated from the dining saloon by 20 yards of open deck. The gulls following the ship weren't slow to suss this out. They would dive-bomb the poor Goan stewards as they brought trays laden with curry from galley to saloon. They requisitioned hard hats & covered the trays with thick linen napkins.

The gulls soon called it a day & went back to hoovering up the slops chucked over the stern.

Don't get many gulls in Brussels - the odd enormous Black Backed flying west to the sea and then these chaps who come in winter. I like them because they give the bloody pigeons a hard time. Oh yesss!!

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