Susan i Oslo

By susanioslo

My neighborhood

This is very typical Norwegian suburbia....nothing fancy but nice. This is what I see when I go to the football field behind my house....where I go everyday to walk Diesel. Never ever considered photographing this before...and tonight spent most of my time getting a good shot in the woods :-) But good to remember this too....

Great eve....Both Daniel and Erik had a friend over and we watched the Brasil/Chile, what an exciting game! It really was fun to watch...and painful .....I felt so bad for the Chileans that didnt make their shot....poor guys.

What else did I do today....E had his football avsluttningen and I went for a jog with E :-) And STILL have not finished up my portrait project OR cleaned up my room...both have been on my to do list for the past week....just cant seem to get myself moving now that I finally slowed down :-)

Lovely day :-)

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