
This Saturday did not start very well - I woke up early with a migraine attack. It took almost half of the day to recover.

In the afternoon I had a photography assignment - the second one in my life. I took confirmation photos of Lotta and Minna was assisting us. It was mostly sunny today but those hours when we were shooting in the arboretum garden in Hatanpää were totally cloudy. Lotta posed superbly so taking pictures of her was easy. Lotta's confirmation party will be in the end of July so I won't blip Lotta today so that her dress will stay secret :)

Hubby and Leevi worked as officials in the international Sako-Beretta Grand Prix, skeet and trap competition. Emma had sleepover at Minttu's last night and spent almost the whole day there too. I dried bed sheets outsides for the first time his summer and it didn't rain all day!

In the evening me and Leevi drove to Tampere to shoot the sunset that turned out to be magnificent - it was one of the most amazing sunset I've seen here in Finland. I haven't edited/photoshopped the photo at all.

The day ended much better than it started :)

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