Remotivation cont.....

By Federico

Do not mess with ghost chilli sauce ???

Another food blip, dinner out with my family and one of our god daughters tonight, yours truly being a complete numpty decided it'd be a good idea to have the devil dog dinner on offer, footlong hotdog dressed with cheese, jalapeños, chips, salad, onion rings and a jug of ghost chilli pepper sauce !!!! The waitresses last words of advice still ring loud in my head "don't go diving into the sauce too quick, it's a bit hot"
Three hours later as I type this, the fire still stings the lips, my sweat glands have run dry, I can still see double of everything instead of three whilst eating the painful sauce, my stomach feels like a locomotive trains burner stove and god knows how but my blood feels like it's itching inside me beating through my veins !!!!

Blip wise, yes the ice cream was a necessity lol
Have a good rest of the weekend guys, and maybe I'll live tonight to blip tomorrow lol

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