Follow the Herring

Last night for us in Grimsby and we got a standing ovation! The first of the tour! Wowee!!!! We were so pleased and have had such a fabulous week working with professional actors and stage directors all of whom were immensely friendly encouraging and supportive. What a week!
The actors go from Grimsby to Great Yarmouth, Margate, then Folkestone and Hastings. In all these places they perform with a local choir and collect more knitted herrings on the way. The stage hands were dismantling the set as we left tonight - such skilled people. And the exhibition with the knitted cover for the boat that I blipped on 24 June also moves on. An incredible project all based on the play by Ann Coburn called 'Get up and Knit your Fingers.'
Tomorrow might be a bit of an anticlimax!

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