A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Rain didn't stop play

Spent most of the day at the summer fair and most of it under umbrellas and running between puddles as the rains lashed down. A real shame. But amazing community spirit as most people stayed around as choirs were moved into canteens and talent contests into halls and the BBQ team turned out untold quantities of hotdogs and burgers. The theme of the fair was Art and we had an amazing competition with kids coming as a piece of art. I wish I had taken a photo of some of those as there were some very creative entries. Including a fabulous boy inhabiting* a Roy Lichtenstein inspired painting with the bubble, "maybe the judges will like me if I smile". I failed to take pictures as I was too busy holding umbrellas over various pieces to stop them turning into pulp. Takings will no doubt be down but I think everyone still had a great time.

Hopefully as we had torrential downpours instead of the promised showers the weekend rain quota has been used up as we are due at the Open Air Theatre at Regents Park tomorrow.

Back home for a change into warm, dry clothes and a late afternoon of introducing the kids to Grease and lots of looming. I may have caught the bug. Before an evening of high drama in the World Cup.

Lesley x

* think head inside a painted cardboard box

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