
In the interests of showing my learning process, here is my painting of the rocks at the beach yesterday. Needless to say, quite a bit of it was done from memory as the fog drifted in and out, obliterating the view most of the time.

According to my iPhone weather app, it is sunny and clear at Bodega today. Figures….

Today we went back to "Pot Land" (not what it sounds like) to buy the pot for our new water feature. It's quite large and weighs a ton, so we'll have to figure out who will pick it up for us. I'll take a picture of it when it is installed and working. After much worrying about how the water will be pumped and circulated, it dawned on OilMan that the set-up in the water feature in the front is a perfect prototype. I'm not an engineer, but even I should have thought of that….

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