O for old friends.....

A quiet morning (of sorts) with the SBG, then a drive out to Jupiter Artland to meet up with friends. Particularly excited about seeing K (my oldest friend) and family - over for a visit from Berkeley. I was over there with them in Nov last year and at the time Miss S was a drooling 7 month old. Today she was a tottering, smiley, 14 month old. A wee star!

The SBG loved Jupiter Artland (except the peacock, which freaked them all out), so I predict another trip before the end of the summer.

A day off tomorrow, so meeting up with the Berkeley gang once more, then they have to head off to visit more folk before heading back to California.

But tonight I predict an evening of catching up with some Glastonbury on the iplayer, drinking some wine and an early night.

Fresh air and early starts.....thems the killers.

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