
By RobinBanneville

An Unusual Dawn

Actually, the dawn wasn't unusual ... Neither was the sunrise to be honest ... It was a little cloudy perhaps ... and the sun didn't really show itself until it was quite high in the sky ... but there's nothing unusual about that ...
What was unusual, however, was what was happening on the beach at 5 AM ... I had thought that there were more than the usual amount of cars parked in the car park, but I just put it down to other fishermen, or maybe cars left overnight in the aftermath of a nearby party, or maybe just more photographers out to catch the sunrise ...
It seemed that I was right in the last instance, but the photographer wasn't out to catch the sunrise ... In fact from where I was standing I made out about 10 people of various age and gender remove all their clothing to have their picture taken ...
Okay, I was about 100 or so yards away, but when I heard a girls voice shout something like, "Ahhh ... We're being watched ...!!", it sort of confirmed my suspicions ...
I decided to give a polite wave and continued on my way ... :o)

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