All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Bannockburn Live!

Since we got our Historic Scotland membership earlier this year, Ethan has started getting really into knights, castles and a little bit of history too. When I found out the National Trust would be holding Bannockburn Live, I mentioned it to Ethan and he was very enthusiastic about going. I held off booking tickets until earlier this week though, once I knew the weather forecast was ok!

It was a great day out. We were there from 10.30am - 4.30pm and Ethan spent much of the time running around with his sword and finding other children with swords that he could have "fights" with! We had a picnic in front of the main stage, whilst basking in the sunshine and listening to the Scottish Music. Ethan, hubbie and I all had our faces painted - I had to laugh when Ethan saw what hubbie had painted on his face, he shouted out "Daddy, you look just like William Wallace"! Ethan tried on lots of different helmets, helped make bannocks and he really enjoyed the mock battle. He wasn't impressed when I told him he couldn't watch it a second time (tickets only entitled us to one showing of it)! His favourite part of the battle seemed to be seeing the English knight, Henry de Bohun being killed by Robert the Bruce!!

A very successful day out!

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