Grab A Dragon By It's Tail
A very large blue Dragonfly managed to get itself trapped in our greenhouse this morning. Connie and I discussed the possible Best Ways to give it it's freedom. Being two rather direct and 'Git 'er Done' kind of women, we set out to capture the creature by hand. After what seemed like hours...probably only 10 minutes or so, Connie managed to catch the Very tired Dragon by it's tail. I'm sure that the poor thing must have figured that it was about to be eaten by this mammal and proceeded to curl it's head down to bite Connie's index finger.
Of course the Dragon again found itself free to continue flying wildly about, until the bite victim raised a running box fan above her head and literally blew the beast out the door. I should have taken a shot of the actual 'bite' marks but didn't have my camera handy...naturally.
The moral of this story...think twice before grabbing a Dragon by it's Tail!
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