If at first you don't succeed...

Got it this time round.

Murderous session at Taekwon Do tonight. We started off in groups of three with some pad work then had to name an exercise each and do 10 of each meaning 30 in total, then we continued with the same idea punches then exercises in bursts of 15, 20, 25, 50 and then another 50 so that was 510 reps of various exercises with pad work in between.

After that in groups of three we had to do 100 punches each then 80, 60, 40, 20 and 10. By that point I was in a group of four so we decided to do it in pairs. As a result we finished first and our instructor thought we'd cheated so we got an extra hundred punches each.

I've never been so happy to move onto stretching since I started training. I'll be feeling it tomorrow. Still it's all worthwhile in the long run.

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