Jim- Happy Again!

By dougiebuster

Almost a Cartier Bresson Moment...

Mini needed a service.
Took it to BMW garage in convoy with Liz in Pug.
Took Liz to work in Pug.
Drove to Botanics in Edinburgh.
Closed when I arrived, so walked through Inverleith Park.
Accidental shot when man on bike rode into shot.
Met Liz for lunch at Queen's Gallery.
Strolled up Royal mile in lovely sunshine, just being tourists.
Had a great time & took 284 pictures.

Picked Mini up & paid £150 for service.
£70 to change the brake fluid!!!
Seems like a real rip off to me.
Full service history is great to have, but I doubt that the massive cost of these wee services could be re-couped when we sell it.

Still a great day!


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