
By Delamanda


Three degrees of separation … (1) This is a telephone box that has become a shrine to Sherlock Holmes (except possibly the “massage” advert in the top right hand corner); the ‘phone box is special because it’s in front of Barts: (a) Sherlock jumped from the roof of Barts in his fake death in the recent TV series (b) It’s where Holmes and Watson first met. (2) Sherlock Holmes is a character created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. (3) Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was interested in the paranormal. (4) Paranormal is one of the key traits required in the true definition of an “Empath” (‘A person or being with the paranormal ability to perceive or share the feelings or emotional state of another. Later also more generally: a person who can understand and appreciate another’s feelings, emotions, etc.’, OED).
Day #178 of a 365 project, where the daily pic is informed by the OED word of the day.

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