A Life of Laughter

By nlw_93

Gone Ape

I've been begging Rory to go to Go Ape for well over a year, and today, he finally agreed to go. It was amazing and incredibly funny, I sucked at the monkey bar type things and Rory ended up in hysterics. The view from the zip line at the end was incredible, you could see right down the valley at Glentress!

After Go Ape, we went biking at Glentress for the rest of the afternoon. I can feel myself getting faster and more confident on my bike every time we go biking, and I can feel my fitness improving too. Rory was helping my by telling me which lines to take which helped me greatly and I am one step closer to being able to jump my bike!

Tonight was consumed with a McDonald's (a rare post cycle treat) and playing the Xbox with Rory. Today has been one of the best days of my life!

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