
Going that extra mile for Blip. At the half way point of my 20 km running route there is a factory. I think I blipped it once. I always thought it would be cool to photograph it at night. A few days ago I saw a poster on the train saying that this factory is lit up at night and looks like something from an S.F. movie so, seeing as I am now on holiday, I took the opportunity to ride my bike there. This may not be the factory advertised because it is surrounded by a fence. Luckily, there are trees in front of the fence so I was able to climb a tree and take photographs over the fence. Luckily, I was wearing black and no one was around to see my James Bond act. Luckily, the evil henchman patrolling the factory never saw me so I didn't need to invoke my licence to kill and, luckiest of all, I didn't get captured and have to use the cyanide pill in the lining of my shoe.

"Do you expect me to talk?"
"No, Mr. Esper. I expect you to die."

No Shelter - Gary Numan

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