
By Igor

DDW Challenge; at the movies. My Fair Lady

You can take the lass out of the North
but you can’t take the North out of the lass

I wonder what Professor Higgins would have made of Anniemay. Most of her Northern idioms were lost, or rather replaced, during her first teaching job in the East End of London. While she has absorbed many aspects of Southern culture, her Northern heritage has not been completely eradicated. For example, she still insists that the only way to eat chips is with gravy. And mushy peas.

An aside; a few years ago an eminent (Southern) politician was canvassing in the North of England. He went into a Fish and Chip shop to press the flesh and pointing to a tub of mushy peas, asked for a portion of “that guacamole over there.…” I am assured by my friends in the North that this is a true story.

Back to my Friend in the North.

I was lucky to grab this shot while she was relaxing after a busy morning at the gym; “but my hair…. I can’t let people see me all sweaty like this…” Yes you can my love.

As well as being my wife, she is my best friend. I know this because if she’s had too much to drink she will become a bit weepy and say things like; “you’re my best mate you are..”

Another aside; the word ‘mate’ is thought to originate in the late Middle Ages. It comes from the Middle Low German māt(e) 'comrade', related to meat (the underlying concept being that of eating together).

Anniemay and I frequently eat together and I can swear on all that I hold dear, that she would easily pass the ultimate ‘mate’ test and give me her last Rolo. Or Diet Coke. Not that I’d want it, but you get the point.

Ladies and Gentlemen I present the one and only Anniemay; My Fair Lady

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