Year 2, Day 161 - Road Tax

What a beautiful morning! There was no training for Dale this morning but I decided to get up at 6am anyway and went for a long walk with the dog - trying to make use of this good weather we are having before it disappears!!!

I only got a few shots of some heather that has started to bloom in the woods but by the time I got back home it was warm and the hover flies were fighting over the poppies again! Just as well because my heather shots were rubbish! I am just loving these extension tubes! Next goal - get one in flight...! Might be a bit tricky...

Go large again for detail!

I had a sudden panic this morning about my road tax - it's not the first time I have driven without road tax!!! They send you the form about 2 weeks before it's due - I should pay it there and then before it goes straight out of my head!!! Thankfully you can pay online and you get 2 weeks grace while your new tax disc arrives...

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