From Princess to Mower Mechanic

Despite the fact that the GOG said he was going to do his own blip today, after a rather busy afternoon he is now too tired to do it, although he did choose the picture and title.

The GOG decided that he wanted to do something useful, being fed-up with inactivity so decided that he was well enough to sit on the mower and cut the grass in the orchard. Unfortunately the grass was more than a metre in height, full of brick rubble and bits and pieces thrown anywhere by the builders. Me and Victoria moved many large pieces of rubbish and cleared some of the edging around the border. Unfortunately, we must have missed one as when the GOG drove the mower along the edge, they was a loud ‘clunk’ followed by lots of smoke issuing from the mower; fortunately the mower was not on fire.

The fault was quickly diagnosed, a ten millimetre link pin had sheared, which caused the cutter box to move backwards and jam the right side drive wheel, so that the drive belt smoked. We managed to reverse the mower, with me and Victoria also pushing, back up the garden to a flat piece of concrete; it refused to go forward. The GOG was not allowed to mend it as he is still supposed to be taking things easy so it was down to Victoria to jack up the mower and make a temporary repair following the GOG’s instructions; she tells me she prefers this kind of work to gardening!

Today’s picture shows the mechanic and the GOG giving her instructions; to see the princess, look here.

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