And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

The queen.....

Yep she is just like the queen 2 birthdays one with her mum and family and one with us yesterday, this is little Evelyn now 1yr old Danny's little cherub she is gorgeous and never cries. Shes forever smiling. Me and Dave only managed to stay a couple of hours but least we got to see them it was nice but it tired me out. I was in hospital yesterday morning I went down hill I was drip white with a banging headache and felt terribly sick. Dave phoned the maternity ward up and they said to come straight up. They checked me and bubs over and she is fine they think its due to the water infection why I felt so terrible. They observed us for 2 hours and sent us on are way telling us to come back if any change in movement and so on. Before I left they did another stretch and sweep I had one on my due date too hoping to start things off. Im now 40+3 and its killing my feet if it wasn't for that I would be fine. Everyone keeps saying oooooo its gone so quick Claire let me tell you it hasn't........ So missing walking my boy wont be long now though and we will be back on the road. love to you all and thanks for all your comments and well wishes much appreciated.

love c x x x

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