Urban Artist
I don't want to make myself appear indecisive but I still wasn't sure about the new 60 mm lens. So I took it back to Clocktower Cameras where they always put on their very patient faces for me, I decided to change it for a wide angle lens instead, an 18 - 35mm. However, the version I bought hasn't had very good reviews (lots of chromatic aberration and soft corners), so no rude comments please when you spot these.
I have just looked at some photos I took with the 60 mm and decided they were quite good after all. So now I am thinking about going back again, but this time with a paper bag over my head.
As I walked up and down St James Street trying to be decisive I saw this artist in the midst of all the noise and bustle. He seemed oblivious to everything except his painting. That is the state of serenity I am aiming for. So, decision made. I am keeping the wide angle - at least for now.
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