
By scharwenka

Sung Grace at the Summer Gaudy

Following on from the Encaenia ceremonies of yesterday (see Wednesday, previous page). today saw a further "end of year" celebration in the form of our college's Summer Gaudy, at which we welcome back several hundred of our former undergraduates. This day it was the turn of those who arrived between 1982 and 1986. The "sung grace", an anthem (Thomas Weelkes) performed by our superb professional choir (male) resounds in our great Hall and adds a touch of magnificence that often brings tears to the eyes of our hardened middle-aged guests!

My collection of photographs should show the progression of events from the crowd assembling to drink champagne before dinner on the steps that lead to Hall to the final course of our meal. We have a truly wonderful chef who laid on a fabulous meal. (The menu figures amongst the photographs, but I'll copy it out below here). The Steward and her staff selected excellent accompanying wines, and she and her staff looked after us supremely well. My photographs have a sequence that shows the assembly line system that has been devised to put together complex dishes and get them served hot to hundreds of diners.

Now should follow the menu. We won't go hungry tonight, I promise you!


Baked Asparagus with
Buffala Mozarella
and Parma Ham,
White Asparagus Ribbons
and Basil Salad
wirh Maple Syrup Dressing

Braised Ox Cheek and Fillet Steak
with Herb and Pepper Gratin
Horseradish Potato Mash, Girolles,
Spinach, Broad Beans and
Baby Purple Carrots

Summer Pudding with Clotted
Cream Brulee, Strawberry Sorbet
and Elderflower Champagne Jelly



Chocolates and Petits Fours

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