A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Bliptogether #2 - Jackson & Anna

So, here are the kids. When I showed them the bliptogether photos they were very keen to get involved. I had started off less keen as I'd been hoping to get a picture of one of my neighbours today as I wanted to use this as a community project. But I didn't want to discourage such enthusiasm and, obviously, they are a key part of my community. Though, I did want to get them both done in one go so I'm hoping this will be allowed.

Anyway, the kids enthusiasm for the enterprise soon waned when they realised they had to stand in one position for a little longer than 2 seconds whilst I tried to get both the framing and the lighting right. Of course, by this point I had become adamant that they were going to be today's bliptogether. A few negotiations and two chocolate coins later we have a picture. Not the best one in the world but it's nice that they are a part of this too. For compleleteness, I think I might persuade Carl to be tomorrow's bliptogether - should be alright, I have some chocolate coins left.

This project sure does make blipping easier - today's efforts should be done by 9am. A good thing as today is, what I like to call, a work day so that's what I'll mainly be doing.

Happy Tuesdays to all
Lesley x

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