My Photographic Footprint

By Theodora8

Filofax rummaging.

In an attempt to get organised, I decided to go back to my ancient larger Filofax.

I opened it up and found these old photos of my family. I have not looked in here for 12 years.

It was lovely to see the old faces, but I had a sad realisation that I was the only person still alive.
This is not a sad post, far from it, but it came to me when I saw them all grouped together.

My father was in his 40's when I was born, so they go back a bit.
The old lady with the very large legs is my great Aunt, whom I am named after. She was Sir Joseph Paxton's grand daughter (Crystal Palace designer and lover of plants) so you see what I mean.

My father is holding one of the inevitable pet birds we had. There were many Crows, Jackdaws, Rooks and so on in our family over the years. He never managed to tame a Raven, though my Aunt Cicely (mid photo) did. Until it was run over by the milkman on the drive.

The saddest thing for me is the wheeled bench. It was a very important garden chair. Many significant conversations were held on it over the decades. And we sat on it as happy tennis parties went on in the background.
When the family house went, the removal men said it was too rotten, and stamped it to pieces.
I looked at the photo just now, of them all sitting on it, and was overwhelmed with sadness.
But then again, I am so glad to have come from these wonderful people. I was an only child, so they spoilt me rotten with their time and attention.

I hesitated to put this up, because of the sad element, and because I look like a hand puppet in the one with my beautiful mother. But then thought, why not. Their faces will once again be seen, and I hope enjoyed.

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