"just a bit of botox" she said...

“In these days of physical fitness, hair dye, and plastic surgery, you can live much of your life without feeling or even looking old. But then one day, your knee goes, or your shoulder, or your back, or your hip. Your hot flashes come to an end; things droop. Spots appear. Your cleavage looks like a peach pit.  You’re two inches shorter than you used to be. You’re ten pounds fatter and you cannot lose a pound of it to save your soul. Your hands don’t work as well as they once did and you can’t open bottles, jars, wrappers...

You lose close friends and discover one of the worst truths of old age: they’re irreplaceable. People who run four miles a day and eat only nuts and berries drop dead. People who drink a quart of whiskey and smoke two packs of cigarettes a day drop dead. You are suddenly in a lottery, the ultimate game of chance, and someday your luck will run out. Everybody dies. There’s nothing you can do about it. Whether or not you eat six almonds a day. Whether or not you believe in God.”

Nora Ephron, I Remember Nothing

(it was only going to be just a bit of botox…and it’s now the full works of cosmetic surgery…how did that happen?...
she was getting increasingly jealous of those  brazilian models (still talking VW campervans by the way)…
saw this video and that was it!...
losing confidence ... peer pressure and getting depressed because she overheard us talking about selling her…nothing we said would make her feel better… so we felt guilty and agreed to just a bit of botox…it’s now costing as much as getting a new car!...why on earth did we agree?...is it love?...or guilt?
so here she is…waiting in the surgery’s waiting room…to get done…looking pale,  worried...it breaks my heart seeing her like this...she's only 35 for goodness sake!... )

(colour?...still undecided...was thinking "oranje" ;-)...any ideas?...ah! now she wants a name as well...says she feels stupid being called WV...again any ideas?...)

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